2005 Poet Laureate – Sean Webb

Poet Laureate 2005 SEAN WEBB Before moving to Philadelphia Sean Webb was a lifelong westerner having lived in Washington, Arizona, Iowa, New Mexico, and Utah. Along the way he worked over 30 widely divergent jobs that often find their way into his poetry. He currently...

2004 Poet Laureate – Teresa Mendez-Quigley

Poet Laureate 2004 TERESA MENDEZ-QUIGLEY Teresa Méndez-Quigley won second prize in the Annual Mad Poets Competition in 2000 and her poem “Dreaming In Italian” won Judge’s Choice award in 2001. Teresa was one of five winners in the ‘Significant Other’...

2003 Poet Laureate – Nicole Greaves

Poet Laureate 2003 NICOLE GREAVES Nicole Greaves has published in The American Poetry Review, Jacaranda and Calliope, among others. She read manuscripts for the literary magazines Ploughshares and Columbia: A Magazine of Prose and Poetry. Her work has been awarded by...

2002 Poet Laureate – Jon Volkmer

Poet Laureate 2002 JON VOLKMERJon Volkmer is a Professor of English at Ursinus College, where he oversees the creative writing program. Jon has an MA in creative writing from the University of Denver, and a PhD in literature from the University of Nebraska. He is the...

2001 Poet Laureate – Deidra Greenleaf Allan

Poet Laureate 2001 DEIDRA GREENLEAF ALLAN Deidra’s poetry has appeared in American Poetry Review, Poetry Miscellany, Puerto del Sol, West Branch, and Wind Magazine, among other printed and online journals.  In 1997 Deidra returned to writing poetry after more...